Toronto Adventures

It ended up being a wild ride to the east coast.

The pacific nature of the pacific city had not prepared me for the perils of the trip from Vancouver to Toronto. Expecting to show up, load the ruck and hit the road, tuned into a wild adventure before we had even begun. Rather than having everything packed and ready, in fact the complete opposite was the case. The truck had been downsized in order to save money, not realizing that the shear volume of necessary stuff would not fit in the new, smaller moving truck. Nerves frayed and tempers flared as extra days were spent jamming the vehicle until it nearly burst.

My poor west coast soul did not expect the surprises that the rest of Canada had in store. Beautiful driving weather every day and blizzards every night. We drove on empty bellies most days, having some challenge or other delay our progress.

Shockingly, Once we arrived in Toronto things evened out pretty quickly. Many of the roomers were unfounded. The Toronto people were more polite and driven than Vancouverites, but I will never let anyone tell me they are better drivers there. Bolder, yes. Better? I think not.

While in the bigger city, I finished my screenplay for “The Glamorous Adventures of Samantha the Wizard”, and sent off the query letters in an attempt to find representation. I met several fellow writers and film people, and read a wonderful scene at the Toronto Cold Reads.

Unfortunately I had to cut my time in T.O. short and had to return to Vancouver. I admire Toronto and plan to return next spring for the Toronto Screenwriting Conference, but i needed the sea air and spring flowers of Vancouver.

Until next year…

Behold, Canada’s wang!

Behold, Canada’s wang!